The school fees for 2024 are R10 000 per learner.
When making payments at the bank (EFT payments), please provide your child’s correct name and surname or the child’s reference number so that your account can be credited correctly. It would be appreciated if all large cash payments are deposited directly into the school’s bank account.
Account Name : Newcastle High School
Bank : ABSA
Branch : Newcastle
Account Number : 1090390496
Reference : Your child’s name and surname or
Your child’s reference number
Please note that when a parent requests a refund of over payment of fees from the school for any reason whatsoever, a 10% admin levy will be deducted before the refund is credited to you.
Parents who feel that they are unable to pay their child’s full school fees should make an application for an Exemption Of School Fees by collecting an application form from the finance office at the end of January 2017 and return the forms as stipulated. All applications are treated in the strictest of confidence but will only be considered if there is full disclosure of all income and information required as stipulated in the form.