NHS is proud to announce that its grade 8 learner, Lwandile Zungu, has been selected to tour the USA for academic reasons. Her tour route will encompass the east coast and a few of the places included are the Harvard and MIT campuses, JFK Library and Museum, Empire State Building Observatory, 9/11
Memorial, Statue of Liberty, United Nations Headquarters, Arlington National Cemetery and the Pentagon City Mall.

According to her parents it all started when she was doing well from Grade R. They knew she would get far and she never disappointed. They encouraged her and reminded her that every next level in her development would demand a different version of her and she has never looked back. They believe that this trip will enable her to represent the family and her school with dignity while learning and enjoying herself in the USA.

Lwandile leaves South Africa on the 27 September and returns on the 12 October. The staff and learners of Newcastle High School wish her well on her trip.

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